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## Chapter Forty-One
## Dodhakavritta
**10.** O Lord! Even the mighty Mount Meru, which is thousands of yojanas high, is like a mere instrument for your power. Who else, O Lord, can make this magnificent mountain a glorious bathing place, a place of supreme bliss, except you, the possessor of boundless wisdom?
**13.** O Lord! Your magnificence is immeasurable, revered by gods and humans alike, who are all wealthy in respect. Who else in this world, even those born in heaven, can attain such magnificence as yours, O Jina?
**12.** O Lord! Even in your childhood, you were a being of extraordinary power, a benefactor of all beings, praised by the three worlds. You are the source of joy, both physical and mental, for those who are humbled by the weight of your new devotion.
**13.** O Lord! You are like a lion, destroying the elephant of lust. You are like Garuda, the king of birds, subduing the great serpent of anger. You are like a thunderbolt, shattering the mountain of pride. You are like a blazing fire, consuming the forest of greed.
**14.** O Lord! You are steadfast in your possession of the divine nature. You are endowed with the qualities of Vishnu. You are the master of the inconceivable Arhat path. You are the one who will attain the Brahma path.
**15.** Thus, the gods, with a chorus of truthful words, praised the Lord and bowed down to him. They prayed to the Lord, the savior from the terrible cycle of birth and death, for this one boon: "O Lord! May we attain the supreme enlightenment."
1. "Na purushaḥ bhaṭaḥ kināmādheyaḥ" - This means "No man is a warrior, what is his name?"
2. "Nākabhuvo'pi" - This means "Even those born in heaven."
3. "Mānava" - This means "human."
4. "Shārīrika mānasikasaukhyavidhāyakaḥ" - This means "the one who brings about physical and mental happiness."
5. "Krodhamāhānāgagaruḍa" - This means "the great serpent of anger, Garuda."
6. "Brahmapathapratibandha" - This means "the one who is bound to the Brahma path."