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## The Second Canto
Now, in the Jambudvipa, there is a vast country called Videha, renowned for its prosperity, equal to the celestial realms. [1]
This land is abundant with grain and cattle, free from all calamities, and beautiful with the well-being of its people. [2]
It is adorned with mines of kheta, kharvat, matamba, puta-bhedana, drona-mukha, gold, silver, fields, villages, and herds. [3]
What is there to describe in a land where the Kshatriya leaders, the Ikshvaku kings, descend from heaven and are born in this blissful region? [4]
In this Videha country, there is a beautiful city called Kundapura, adorned with rows of lotus-like women, the eyes of Indra, and a reservoir of happiness. [5]
The sky is adorned with a multitude of white palaces, shining like the clouds of autumn, resembling conch shells. [6]
At night, the Chandrakanta stones, placed in front of the houses, melt like sweating women, touched by the rays of the moon, their husband. [7]
The Surya-kanta stones, placed on the houses, shine like women longing for their husbands, touched by the rays of the sun. [8]
The rows of Padmaraga gems, placed on the tops of the palaces, become intensely attached to the sun's rays, like a woman to her husband. [9]
This city is always adorned with the splendor of all the gems, with strings of pearls hanging here and there, and the brilliance of emerald gems. [10]