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## Chapter 32: The Gathering of All Mothers and Daughters
Seeing the conquest of the ocean and Vasudeva, the celestial being, Vanavati, pleased and with her purpose fulfilled, went to her own place. **43**
The people of Śaurayapura, who were themselves valiant, said, "This is the glory of the Jain Dharma, earned in the past, that we see in Vasudeva, who is valiant, who has conquered the kings, who is of noble and beautiful character, who is the beloved of the Vidyadharis, who is like a god, and who has attained great wealth." **44**
Thus ends the thirty-second chapter of the Harivamsa, composed by Jinaseṇācārya, which is a collection of the Arishṭanemi Purāṇa, and which describes the gathering of all mothers and daughters. **32**
**End of the Vidyadhara Kāṇḍa**
1. Vasudeva is the moon in the lunar mansion.
2. Vegavati is the name of a river.