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## Chapter Thirty-Three
Then, the king Vasudeva, being requested by the noble princes, his sons, stayed in Suryapura, teaching them the art of warfare. ||1||
One day, Kumar Vasudeva, proficient in the art of archery, along with his disciples like Kansa, went to Rajagriha, desiring to see King Jarasandha. ||2||
At that time, Rajagriha was adorned with a multitude of kings who had come from different places. At that very moment, a proclamation was made by King Jarasandha for the attentive ears of the people, which Vasudeva also heard. ||3||
The proclamation stated, "The king of Singhapura, Simharatha, is very arrogant. He rides on a chariot drawn by real lions and possesses immense valor. The man who captures him alive and brings him before us will be considered the bravest and most valiant man in the world." ||4-5||
"To that man, who drinks the ocean of the enemy's fame, we will offer him wealth as a mark of respect. And after that, he will also receive this rare and additional reward." ||6||
"I will give him my daughter, Jeevadhyasha, whose fame rests at the end of the directions, along with the desired land, because of her exceptional qualities." ||7||
Hearing this captivating proclamation, Vasudeva, filled with the spirit of heroism, asked Kansa to accept the flag. Meaning, Vasudeva encouraged Kansa to accept the flag as a pledge to capture Simharatha. ||8||
Then, Vasudeva, taking Kansa with him, mounted a chariot drawn by lions made of knowledge and went to Singhapura. When Simharatha, riding on a chariot drawn by lions, came to face Vasudeva for battle, he cut the reins of his lions with arrows, causing them to flee. ||9||
At that moment, Kansa, following his guru's command, leaped forward and captured the enemy. Seeing Kansa's skill, Vasudeva said to him,
*The text has the following verse after the first verse:*
Seeing Kansa's skill, Vasudeva said, "Choose your reward. Stay here by my side." ||2||