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Having obtained Shyama from Shravasti, Harivansh went to Mahapur, taking with him Priyangusundari and Bandhumati. From Mahapur, he took Priyasomashri and went to Ilavardhanpur. From there, he took the honorable Ratnawati and went to Bhadrailpur. From there, he took Charuhaasini and established her brother Paundu there, and then went to Jaipur. From there, he took Ashvasena and went to Shalguhapur. From there, he took Padmavati and went to Vedasampur. 27-30
There, he crowned his son Kapil and then went to Achalgram with Kapila. 31
From there, he took Mitrashri and went to Tilavastu. From there, he took five hundred maidens and went to Giritat. 32
From there, he took Somashri and went to Champapuri. From there, he took the minister's daughter and Gandharvasena and went to Vijayakhet. There, he met his son Akrurdrishti and took Vijayasen and went to Kulpur. 33-34
From there, he took Padmashri, Avantisundari, Surrasena with his son, Jara, Jivadyasha, and his other wives, and returned with great joy in a swift-moving chariot. 35-36
His chariot, adorned with beautiful music, and shining like the sun's chariot, quickly reached Shauryapur. 37
Then, Vanavati Devi, having heard of Vasudeva's arrival, herself went to greet him and, filled with joy, increased the prosperity of King Samudravijaya. 38
Then, King Samudravijaya, with great joy, adorned the city with his people and, with respect, went to meet Vasudeva with his relatives. 39
Vasudeva, with all his wives, descended from the chariot and bowed to his elder brothers and other teachers. Others, filled with love, bowed to Vasudeva. 40
Shiva and other queens, with tears of joy in their eyes, embraced Vasudeva, bowed to him, and, looking towards the sky, repeatedly blessed him, saying, "May there be no separation again." 41
The prince honored the people as they deserved, and the people showed him respect. 1. Dhanavati M.