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In the Harivamsha Purana, the elephant, burdened by the cycle of birth and death, was born as a violent, intoxicated elephant due to his past sins. (104) He attained the memory of his past lives through the grace of the wise, and, realizing the futility of worldly desires, he became calm and renounced his actions. (105) Hearing the words of the sage, the elephant, Megha-ninad, and the king, Ratnayu, renounced their false identities and embraced the vows of a Shravaka. (106) The soul of the priest, Shri-bhuthi, who had been reborn as a serpent in the earth, Pankaprabha, was born as a son of the cruel Manghi and Darun, a couple of hunters. (107) In the forest of Priyangu-khanda, the sage Vajrayudha was meditating when he was killed by the hunter, Ati-darun. The sage attained the state of सर्वार्थसिद्धि, while the hunter was reborn in the seventh earth, Mahatamah-prabha, where he suffered greatly for killing the sage. (108-109) Ratna-mala, through the power of Shravaka dharma, became a celestial being in the Achyuta heaven, and Ratnayu also became a great deity in the same heaven. (110) In the island of Dhataki-khanda, in the land of Gandhila, located west of the eastern Meru, ruled the king, Arhad-das, in the city of Ayodhya. He had two queens, Suvrata and Jin-datta. The souls of Ratna-mala and Ratnayu, who had been celestial beings in the Achyuta heaven, were reborn as the valiant Vith-bhaya, the equivalent of Balabhadra, and the fearsome Vibhishan, the equivalent of Narayana, respectively, as the sons of these two queens. (111-112) Vibhishan, at the end of his life, was reborn in the first earth, Ratna-prabha, while Vith-bhaya, after performing austerities near the sage, Anivritti, became the Lant-avendra, Aditya-abha. I am that Lant-avendra. I went to the earth, Ratna-prabha, and enlightened the soul of Vibhishan, who was in hell. (113-114) In the land of Gandhamalini, in the Videha region of the Jambudvipa, there is a magnificent mountain, Vijayardha, adorned with beautiful dwellings of the Vidyadharas. On this mountain lived the king, Shri-dharma, and his queen, Shri-datta. The soul of Vibhishan, who was in hell, was reborn as a beautiful being on this mountain. (115)