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## Translation:
In the Harivamsha Purana, it is said that there are twelve vehas (types of musical notes) and five swaras (musical notes) that are always present. These swaras are always to be considered as the basis of the notes.
The destruction of all swaras is permissible in the jaatis (musical scales), but the destruction of the madhyama (middle note) is never permissible.
The madhyama is considered the best of all swaras, as it is never destroyed. It is also accepted in all the divisions of the Gandharva Kalpa (musical system).
The characteristics of the jaatis are: tara (high note), mandra (low note), nyasa (placement), etc. (upannyasa, graha, amsha), alpatva (smallness), bahutva (largeness), shadav (six notes), and audava (five notes).
These ten characteristics of the jaatis are to be known by the wise. The use of each jaati in a particular rasa (emotion) is explained.
The raga (melody) resides in a particular jaati and originates from it. The mandra or taramandra that is found in abundance, the graha, upannyasa, vinyasa, sannyasa, and nyasa that are found in abundance, and the anuvritti (repetition) are all considered as the ten types of amshas (parts).
The sanchara (movement), amsha, balasthan (strong position), alpatva (smallness) of the weak notes, and the various types of antarmarg (internal paths) are the characteristics that reveal the jaatis.
There is no amsha in the mandra, but there are two nyasas. The arshabha amsha is seen in the gandhara graha and nyasa.
Just as the amsha is accepted in all the jaatis, so is the graha. The amsha that is present when a particular graha is used is considered to be the amsha of that graha.
The jaatis that have two grahas have a total of 36 amshas. These amshas are grouped into six.
The madhyama, udichya, and nandayanti have the panchama amsha and the panchama graha.
The dhaivati has the dhaivata and rishabha amshas and grahas. The panchami has the panchama and rishabha amshas and grahas.
The gandhara, udichya, and nandayanti have the panchama amsha and the madhyama graha. The arshabha has the dhaivata and rishabha amshas and grahas.
It is necessary to know the amshas and the grouping of the jaatis into six swaras.