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The twenty-first chapter deals with the complete *karmaaravi* and *gandharapanchami*. The four *jati*s, *andhri*, *nandayanti*, and *gandharo dichyava*, have six notes, while the remaining ten *jati*s have five notes. The five *jati*s, *naishadi*, *aarshabhi*, *dhaivati*, *sadhjamdhyama*, and *sadho dichyavati*, are considered to be dependent on the *sadhjagrama*, while the five *jati*s, *gandhari*, *raktagandhari*, *madhyama*, *panchami*, and *kaishiki*, are considered to be dependent on the *madhyagrama*. The five-note (*audava*) and six-note (*sadava*) *jati*s mentioned in these *jati*s sometimes become six-note (*sadava*) and five-note (*audava*) respectively. In the *sadhjagrama*, the seven-note *sadhjakaishiki* *jati* exists, and it also becomes six-note (*sadava*) due to the combination of music. In the *madhyagrama*, the seven-note *karmaaravi*, *gandharapanchami*, and *madhyamo dichyava* exist, and the six-note *gandharo dichyava*, *andhri*, and *nandayanti* *jati*s exist. In this way, these *jati*s of both *grama*s are worth knowing by the learned. ||179-189|| Where there are six notes, the *sadhjamdhyama* note is not its seventh part, and due to the absence of *sanvadi*, the *gandharasvara* does not acquire special significance there. ||190|| The *gandhari*, *raktagandhari*, *kaishiki*, and *sadhja* do not have five notes, and the *sadava* should be considered the heart of the *gandhari*. ||191|| The *dhaivat* note is not present in the *sadava* because the *sadho dichyavati* *jati* is absent there. And these seven *jati*s are devoid of six notes due to the absence of *sanvadi*. ||192|| Among these, in the *raktagandhari* *jati*, the *sadhja*, *madhyama*, and *panchamasvara* become the seventh note, and there is no *audava* in them. ||193|| The *sadhja*, *madhyama*, *gandhara*, *nishada*, and *rishabha* are the five parts present in the *panchami* *jati*, and in the *kaishiki*, they are six with the *dhaivat*. These twelve *jati*s are always considered to be excluded from the five notes. But those that are devoid of *audava* should be continuously used with the support of the note. 1. *nishadavrishabhi* m. | 2. *sodashibhuta* sometimes *sadavo krta* m. | 'Sometimes *sadavibhuta* sometimes *audavikrta*' na. sha. a. 28 | 3. In the *sadhjagrama*, the complete *sadhjakaishiki* should be known. ||61|| na. sha. a. 28 | 4. *grama* c. m. | 5. In the *sadhjagrama*, the *sadavyeka* dependent on six notes should be known. ||59|| na. sha. a. 28 | 6. The complete *karmaaravi* should be known in the *madhyagrama*. ||60|| *madhyamo dichyava* and *gandharapanchami* as well. na. sha. a. 28 | 7. In this way, these *jati*s of both *grama*s should be known by the learned. ||62|| na. sha. a. 28 | 8. The seventh part of the six notes is the *sadhjamdhyama*. Due to the absence of *sanvadi*, the *gandhara* will not be there. ||63|| na. sha. a. 28 |