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## Translation:
The combination of *antar-svara* should always be in the ascending mode, and never in the descending mode, even if it is slight. **(12)** If it is done in the descending mode, whether slightly or greatly, the *antar-svara* destroys the *jati*, *raga*, and *shruti*. **(17)**
The *jati* related to the *shadja* grama are: 1. *Shad-ji*, 2. *Arsha-bhi*, 3. *Dhaivati*, 4. *Nishada-ja*, 5. *Sushadja*, 6. *Udicya-va*, 7. *Shadja-kaishiki*, and 8. *Shadja-madhya*. **(17)** The *jati* related to the *madhyama* grama are: 1. *Gandhari*, 2. *Madhyama*, 3. *Gandhara-udicyava*, 4. *Panchami*, 5. *Rakta-gandhari*, 6. *Rakta-panchami*, 7. *Madhyama-udicyava*, 8. *Nandayanti*, 9. *Karmara-vi*, 10. *Andhri*, and 11. *Kaishiki*. **(175-177)**
There are three *jati* that are common to both gramas: *Madhyama*, *Shadja-madhya*, and *Panchami*. **(178)** These *jati* are of two types: *shuddha* (pure) and *vikrita* (impure). **(179)** The *jati* that are not produced by the combination of other *jati* and have distinct characteristics are called *shuddha*. The *jati* that have similar characteristics are called *vikrita*. The *vikrita* *jati* are formed by the combination of *jati* from both gramas and are infused with the *svara* of both. **(179)**
There are four *jati* with seven *svara*, four *jati* with six *svara*, and ten *jati* with five *svara*. **(180)** The four *jati* with seven *svara* are: *Madhyama-udicyava*, *Shadja-kaishiki*, *Karmara-vi*, and *Gandhara-panchami*. **(180)**