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## Seventh Chapter
133. Where a heterogeneous cause is the producer of an effect, there it is a cooperative cause. There, the main cause is the material cause, and the cooperative cause is its assistant. ||14||
134. Thus, for those who are not endowed with superhuman vision, i.e., who only perceive gross objects, the concordance of the main time is established by the force of reasoning and scriptural authority. ||15||
135. Time, Avali, Ucchvasa, Pran, Stoka, and Lava, etc., should be understood as the time of action, as described by the knowers of time. ||16||
136. The time taken by a single atom to traverse its own space, with the slowest possible motion, is called a Samaya by the knowers of the Shakha. This Samaya is indivisible and prevents the acceptance of any other time. ||17-18||
137. An innumerable number of Samayas constitute an Avali, a countable number of Avalis constitute an Ucchvasa-Nischvasa, two Ucchvasa-Nischvasas constitute a Pran. Seven Pranas constitute a Stoka, seven Stokas constitute a Lava, seventy Lavas constitute a Muhurta, thirty Muhurtas constitute a day-night, fifteen day-nights constitute a Paksha, two Pakshas constitute a Masa, two Masas constitute a Ritu, three Ritus constitute an Ayana, two Ayanas constitute a year, five years constitute a Yuga, two Yugas constitute ten years, multiplying by ten, it becomes a hundred years, multiplying by ten, it becomes a thousand years, multiplying by ten, it becomes ten thousand years, multiplying by ten, it becomes a lakh years. Multiplying by eighty-four, it becomes a Purvang, eighty-four lakh Purvangs constitute a Purva, eighty-four lakh Purvas constitute a Niyutaang, eighty-four lakh Niyutaangs constitute a Niyut, eighty-four lakh Niyuts constitute a Kumudaang, eighty-four lakh Kumudaangs constitute a Kumud, eighty-four lakh Kumuds constitute a Padmaang, eighty-four lakh Padmaangs constitute a Padma, eighty-four lakh Padmas constitute a Nalinaang, eighty-four lakh Nalinaangs constitute a Nalin, eighty-four lakh Nalins constitute a Kamalaang, eighty-four lakh Kamalaangs constitute a Kamal, eighty-four lakh Kamals constitute a Tuvyaang, eighty-four lakh Tuvyaangs constitute a Tuvya, eighty-four lakh Tuvyas constitute an Attatang, eighty-four lakh Attatangs constitute an Attama, eighty-four lakh Attama constitute an Amaang, eighty-four lakh Amaangs constitute an Ama. ||28||