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In the Harivamsha Purana,
One Atat is called a Atatanga, eighty-four lakhs Atatangas make an Amamanga, eighty-four lakhs Amamangas make an Amama, eighty-four lakhs Amas make an Uhaanga, eighty-four lakhs Uhaangas make an Uha, eighty-four lakhs Uhas make a Latanga, eighty-four lakhs Latangas make a Lata, eighty-four lakhs Latas make a Mahalatanga, eighty-four lakhs Mahalatangas make a Mahalata, eighty-four lakhs Mahalatas make a Shirah Prakampita, eighty-four lakhs Shirah Prakampitas make a Hasta Prahelika, and eighty-four lakhs Hasta Prahelikas make a Charchika. Thus, from Charchika onwards, the time is counted. || 19-30 ||
The time which is devoid of the number of years is considered to be infinite. It has many divisions like Paly, Sagar, Kalpa and Ananta etc. || 31 ||
That which is devoid of beginning, middle and end, is indivisible, is beyond the senses, and though it is material, is devoid of space - the second and other spaces, is called a Paramanu. || 32 ||
That Paramanu, in one time, holds one Rasa, one Varna, one Gandha and two Sparshas which do not obstruct each other, is impenetrable, is the cause of sound and is itself devoid of sound. || 33 ||
Those who know the nature of the substance should not have such a doubt that due to the connection with six parts of the sky from all sides at one time, there is a six-partness in the Paramanu. || 34 ||
Because if we assume so, then the six small parts of the sky and one Paramanu together become seven parts. Now how can there be six-partness in the Paramanu? || 35 ||
Because the Paramanus keep on filling and melting due to colour, smell, taste and touch, therefore, like the Skandha, the Paramanus are Pudgala Dravyas. || 36 ||
The group of infinite infinite Paramanus is called Avasanjna. These Avasanjna etc. are the types of Skandha. || 37 ||
The eight Avasanjna are: 1. Antadimjjahiinam Apedesam Indiehi Gahu Gejjam. Jam Davvam Avibhattam Tam Paramanum Vadanti Jina || 98 || 2. Paramanuhi Anantanantehi Bahuvihehi Dehi |
Avasannaasannoti So Khandho Hoi Namein || 102 || Uvasannaasanno Vi Ya Gunido Attehi Hodi Namein. Sanasannoti Tado Du Idi Khandho Pamanattum || 103 || Ahi Gunidehi Sanasaha Hodi Tudireinu. Tittiya Meittahadehi Tu Direnuhi Pitasareinu || 104 || Tasarenu Rathu Renui Uttamabhogavanie Balagan.
Majjhimabhogavidiean Gholan Pi Jahan Bhogakhidivalam. || 105 || etc.
- Trai. Pra.
Tre. Pra.