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## Chapter 128
**From the Harivamsha Purana, the following is the description of the celestial realms in the south and north directions:**
**102.** The celestial rulers, free from animosity, reside in the midst of the ocean of happiness.
**103.** The origin of the *tapasas* (ascetics) is in the *vyantara* and *jyotishi* realms. The *parivrajaka yogis* (wandering ascetics) are found up to the Brahma realm.
**104.** The *samyag-dristi ajivakas* (those with right faith and livelihood) can reach the *sahasrar* realm. Beyond that, no being can reach through any other *linga* (mark) except the *jina-linga* (mark of the Jina).
**105.** The *shravakas* (lay followers) traverse from the *saudharma* realm to the *achyuta* realm, while the *shramanas* (monks) go beyond.
**106.** The *abhavya* (non-liberated) beings can attain the *agni-graiveyaka* realm. However, their attainment in the *graiveyaka* realms is only possible through the *nirgrantha-linga* (mark of the liberated) and intense *tapas* (austerity).
**107.** The *ratnatraya* (three jewels) are the source of the *bhavya* (liberated) beings, until they attain *sarvartha-siddhi* (complete enlightenment).
**108.** In the *bhavanavasi*, *vyantara*, and *jyotishi* realms, the *dravya* (matter) and *bhava* (state of being) are characterized by the *krishna*, *nila*, and *kapota* *leshya* (shades), as well as the *jghanya* (inferior) *pita* *leshya*.
**109.** The *saudharma* and *sanatkumar* realms have a *madhyama* (medium) *pita* *leshya*. The *mahendra* realm has an *utkrista* (superior) *pita* *leshya* and a *jghanya* (inferior) *padma* *leshya*.
**110.** In the next three pairs of realms, the *madhyama* (medium) *padma* *leshya* prevails. In the subsequent two pairs, the *utkrista* (superior) *padma* *leshya* and the *jghanya* (inferior) *shukla* *leshya* are found.
**111.** In the four realms from *achyuta* onwards and the nine *graiveyaka* realms, the *madhyama* (medium) *shukla* *leshya* is present for all the deities.
**112.** In the fourteen *vimanas* (celestial chariots) of the *ahamindra* (self-ruling) deities, the *param shukla* *leshya* (supreme white shade) prevails. These *ahamindras* are free from all *samklesha* (afflictions).
**1. Sarvartha-siddhi:**
* a.
* b.
* c.
* d.