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## Chapter Five
Three hands are equal to twenty-one angulas. The distance between the doors is measured in terms of the *jyā* of these angulas. ||393||
Seventy-nine thousand *jyā*s, fifty-six *yojanas*, three *kośas*, one thousand five hundred thirty-two *dhanuṣ*s, and seven *angulas* are the measurements of the *dhanuṣ* *pṛṣṭha* of this *jyā*. ||394-395||
The learned *antarajña*s have determined that the distance between these doors is four *yojanas* less than the measurement of the *dhanuṣ* *pṛṣṭha*. ||396||
Beyond the counted islands, there is another island equal to Jambudvipa. In the eastern direction of this island, the city of Vijayadeva, the protector of the Vijayadvara, shines brightly. ||397||
This city, adorned with a *vedikā*, is twelve *yojanas* wide, with four *toranas* in each direction, beautiful and wondrous on all sides. ||398||
The *prākāra* surrounding this city is three parts of eight *dhanuṣ*s in the front, and four times that at the base. The depth of this *prākāra* is half a *yojan*. ||399||
The height of the *prākāra* is thirty-seven and a half *yojanas*, and there are twenty-five *gopuras* in each direction. ||400||
Each *gopura* is thirty-one *yojanas* and one *kośa* high, twice that in width, and half a *yojan* deep. ||401||
There are seventeen *prāsādas* on each *gopura*, all adorned with various jewels and made of *jāmbūnada*. ||402||
In the middle of the *gopuras* is the place of the birth of the *devas*, one *kośa* thick and twelve *yojanas* wide. ||403||
Around this place of birth is a *vedikā* five hundred *dhanuṣ*s wide, two *kośas* high, and adorned with four *toranas*. ||404||
In the middle of the city is a grand *prāsāda* equal in size to the *gopura*. It is eight *yojanas* high, four *yojanas* wide, and guarded by the *deva* named Vijay. ||405||
The *torana* of this *prāsāda* is made of diamonds, and its doors are of gold and jewels. There are other *prāsādas* of equal size in all four directions. ||406||
In the second *maṇḍala*, there are four more *prāsādas* of equal size, shining with jewels. ||407||
Three *yojanas*, three *kośas*, fourteen hundred twenty-four *dhanuṣ*s, three hands, and twenty-one *angulas* are the measurements. ||392-393||
The measurement of the *dhanuṣ* *pṛṣṭha* of this *jyā* is seventy-nine thousand *jyā*s, fifty-six *yojanas*, three *kośas*, one thousand five hundred thirty-two *dhanuṣ*s, and seven *angulas*. ||394-395||
The learned *antarajña*s have determined that the distance between these doors is four *yojanas* less than the measurement of the *dhanuṣ* *pṛṣṭha*. ||396||
Beyond the counted islands, there is another island equal to Jambudvipa. In the eastern direction of this island, the city of Vijayadeva, the protector of the Vijayadvara, shines brightly. ||397||
This city, adorned with a *vedikā*, is twelve *yojanas* wide, with four *toranas* in each direction, beautiful and wondrous on all sides. ||398||
The *prākāra* surrounding this city is three parts of eight *dhanuṣ*s in the front, and four times that at the base. The depth of this *prākāra* is half a *yojan*. ||399||
The height of the *prākāra* is thirty-seven and a half *yojanas*, and there are twenty-five *gopuras* in each direction. ||400||
Each *gopura* is thirty-one *yojanas* and one *kośa* high, twice that in width, and half a *yojan* deep. ||401||
There are seventeen *prāsādas* on each *gopura*, all adorned with various jewels and made of *jāmbūnada*. ||402||
In the middle of the *gopuras* is the place of the birth of the *devas*, one *kośa* thick and twelve *yojanas* wide. ||403||
Around this place of birth is a *vedikā* five hundred *dhanuṣ*s wide, two *kośas* high, and adorned with four *toranas*. ||404||
In the middle of the city is a grand *prāsāda* equal in size to the *gopura*. It is eight *yojanas* high, four *yojanas* wide, and guarded by the *deva* named Vijay. ||405||
The *torana* of this *prāsāda* is made of diamonds, and its doors are of gold and jewels. There are other *prāsādas* of equal size in all four directions. ||406||
In the second *maṇḍala*, there are four more *prāsādas* of equal size, shining with jewels. ||407||
1. The place of the birth of the *devas*.
2. The *deva* who resides there.