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In the Harivamsha Purana, there is a platform (Vedika) extending from east to west in the forest. It is known to be one yojana high, one krośa deep, and two krośas wide. ||238||
The three rivers, 1. Grahavati, 2. Hridavati, and 3. Pankavati, originate from the Nila mountain and flow towards the Sita river. They are situated between the Vakshara mountains. ||239||
The three rivers, 1. Taptajala, 2. Mattajala, and 3. Unmattajala, originate from the Nishadha mountain and flow towards the Sita river. ||240||
The three rivers, 1. Kshiroda, 2. Sitoda, and 3. Srotoantarvahini, originate from the Nishadha mountain and flow into the great river called Sitoda. ||241||
In the Uttar Videha region, the three rivers, 1. Gandhamadini, 2. Phenamalini, and 3. Umimalini, originate from the Nilachal mountain and merge into the Sitoda river. ||242||
The twelve rivers mentioned above are called Vibhanganadi. They are equal in size to the Rohya river. The Dikkumari goddesses reside in the torana doorways at their confluence. ||243||
Between the Vaksharagiri mountains and the Vibhanganadi rivers, on both banks of the Sita and Sitoda rivers, there are thirty-two Videhas in the east and west directions of Meru. ||244||
Among them, the eight countries, 1. Kacha, 2. Sukacha, 3. Mahakacha, 4. Kachakaavati, 5. Aavarta, 6. Langalaavarta, 7. Pushkala, and 8. Pushkalaavati, are located in the western Videha region, between the Sita river and the Nol Kulachal mountain, in a clockwise direction. Each country has six divisions. ||245-246||
The eight countries, 1. Vatsa, 2. Suvatsa, 3. Mahavatsa, 4. Vatsakaavati, 5. Ramya, 6. Ramyaka, 7. Ramaniya, and 8. Mangalaavati, are located in the eastern Videha region, between the Sita river and the Nishadha mountain. These are the countries of the Chakravartis and are elongated in the south-north direction. ||247-248||
The eight countries, 1. Padma, 2. Supama, 3. Mahapadma, 4. Padmakaavati, 5. Shankha, 6. Nalini, 7. Kumuda, and 8. Sarita, are located in the eastern Videha region, between the Sitoda river and the Nishadha mountain. They are elongated in the south-north direction. ||249-250||
The eight countries, 1. Vapra, 2. Suvapra, 3. Mahavapra, 4. Vprakaavati, 5. Gandha, 6. Sugandha, 7. Gandhila, and 8. Gandhamalini, are located in the western Videha region, between the Nila mountain and the Sitoda river. They are elongated in the south-north direction. These are said to be the regions of the Chakravartis, meaning that Chakravartis reside in them. ||251-252||