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## The Fifth Canto
**193.** These peaks, named after the navel mountains, are of equal extent. On these peaks, gods with names similar to the peaks play as they please.
**194-195.** Five lakes, Neelavan, Uttar Kuru, Chandra, Eiravan, and Maalyavan, are located in the middle of the river, five hundred and a half yojanas from the Neel mountain. All these lakes are five hundred yojanas apart, and their north-south length is considered equal to the Padma lake.
**196-197.** Similarly, north of the Nishdha mountain, in the middle of the river, are five great lakes: Nishdha, Devakuru, Surya, Sulasa, and Tadi Prabha. All their banks are adorned with precious stones, and their bases are made of diamond. In these great lakes, Naga Kumar Devas reside in lotus palaces built on lotuses.
**198.** Each great lake has a main lotus, which is two kos high, one yojana wide, and has a stigma one kos wide.
**199.** Along with the main lotus, there are one hundred thousand forty thousand one hundred seventeen other lotuses in each family.
**200.** In front of each great lake, on the banks of the Sita and Sitoda rivers, are ten mountains called Kanchan Kutas.
**201.** These mountains are one hundred yojanas high, one hundred yojanas wide at the base, seventy-five yojanas wide in the middle, and fifty yojanas wide at the front.
**202-203.** On top of each Kanchan Kuta, there is a single, artificial, auspicious Jina statue. These statues are self-supporting, illuminating the path to liberation, five hundred dhanush high, made of jewels, gold, and precious stones. There are two hundred peaks on each Meru, and a thousand peaks are famous on all five Merus.
**204.** On the peaks of these mountains, there are many playhouses built. In them, the gods named Kanchanaka, who hold the great brilliance, play everywhere.
**205.** East of the Meru mountain, on the north bank of the Sita river, is the peak called Padmottara, and on the south bank is the peak called Neelavan.
**206.** South of the Meru mountain, on the east bank of the Sitoda river, is the peak called Swastika, and on the west bank is the peak called Anjanagiri.
**207.** On the south bank of the same Sitoda river is the peak called Kumuda, and on the north bank is the peak called Palasha. Both these peaks are considered to be from the Mandara mountain.