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24 Samantabhadra-Bharati
[Chapter 2 Therefore, without oneness, multiplicity does not arise, and without multiplicity, oneness does not arise; nor is the reality established in either complete oneness or complete multiplicity, it is unestablished in both, and only then is it the agent of action-meaning; when one dharma becomes predominant, the other dharma becomes non-predominant.]
[Further, taking the one-sided views of non-duality etc., and showing their faults, the explanation of the subject in accordance with the reality-establishment will be done.]
Thus ends the first chapter of the Devagama-Aptamimamsa.
Second Chapter
The Flaw of the One-Sided View of Non-Duality Even in the one-sided view of non-duality, the observed difference is contradictory.
The agents and actions do not arise from a single source. ||24|| 'If the one-sided view of non-duality is taken - it is assumed that reality is one and the same, completely devoid of duality (secondness) - then the difference (multiplicity) of agents and actions, which is known by direct evidence or is clearly visible and well-known (truth), is met with contradiction (becomes false). The seven agents, in the form of the agent, object, instrument, etc., which have taken on their countless and infinite differences, do not become those differences.
And neither do the actions of moving-stopping, arising-perishing, digesting-burning, contracting-expanding, eating-drinking, and seeing-knowing, etc.