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## [Kārikā 20, 21] Devāgama
23. And it is not accepted that it is the doer of the action - it is the object. If this is not accepted, then the accomplishment of the action by external and internal causes, which has been accepted, does not come about - a completely real or completely unreal object is incapable of performing an action, no matter how many causes are present, and in the absence of an action, the object itself does not come about.
## [Kārikā 22]
"In the dharma-dharma, there is a different meaning for each dharma, and the main and secondary nature of the dharmas is different. Each dharma of the dharmi has a different purpose. When one dharma becomes the anga (principal) of the others, the remaining dharmas become its anga (secondary) at that time. The remaining dharmas are intended as its anga or secondary at that time."
## [Kārikā 23]
"The one who is skilled in nayas should also apply this bhāngavati (saptabhāgavati) process in the future, in the context of one-many and other alternatives, such as: the entire reality is sometimes one, sometimes many, sometimes one-many, sometimes inexpressible, sometimes one-inexpressible, sometimes many-inexpressible, and sometimes one-many-inexpressible. There is an inseparable relationship between oneness and manyness, and between manyness and oneness, and...