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## 42
## Devagam-Aptmimamsa
**(c) Samantabhadra's Contribution**
Samantabhadra asserted that the Tattva (Reality) does not end at the aforementioned four categories, but is complete in seven categories. He clarified that Tattva is of the nature of Anekanta (multi-faceted) - not Ekant (one-sided) - and is a collection of seven Dharmas (attributes) that come to light through the reliance on pairs of opposing Dharmas (Sat-Asat, Shashwat-Ashashwat, Ek-Anek, etc.). And such infinite collections of Sapta-Dharma (seven Dharmas) are like infinite waves in the vast ocean of Anekanta-atmak Tattva, filling it with infinite Sapta-kotis (seven categories, seven-fold predication). However, the observer must be vigilant and have a balanced perspective. They should remember that when the speaker or knower describes or understands Tattva from a particular category, that Dharma in Tattva, while present from that perspective, does not negate other Dharmas. It is merely due to the intention of the speaker.
1. Syadvadah sarvathaikantatyagat kimvrittachidvidhih |
Saptabhangnayapeckso heyadayaviseshakah || Aptmimamsa Ka 104 ||
2. (a) 'Tattvam tv anekantam ashesharoopam' - Yuktyanuk 46 |
(b) Ekantdrishtipratisedhi tattvam praman सिद्धं tadatat swabhavam |
Swayambhu 41 |
(c) Na sacch nasacch na drishtam ekamatmantam sarvanishedhagamyam | Drishtam vimishram tadupaadhi bhedat svapne'pi naitat tva drish pareshaam ||
- Yuktyanuk 32 |
3. (a) Vidhinisedho'nabhilapyata cha trirekashashtridvish ek ev | Trayo vikalpaastava saptadha'ami syachchabdaneyah sakale'rthabhede ||
- Yuktyanuk 45 |
(b) Vidheyam varya cha anubhayam ubhayam mishram api tat
Visheshaih praatyekam niyamavishayashcha aparimetai | Sadanyonyapecksah sakal bhuvanajyeshthaguruna
Tvaya gitam tattvam bahunayavivakshetaravashaat ||
Swayambhu 118 ||