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## 73
## Karika 80]
Devagam does not occur. Even if everyone is deluded, knowledge of the object and means is not possible. If it is possible in its true form, it does not constitute the establishment of universal delusion.
If the object and means are considered to be mere knowledge (vijnana-matrata), then the object, means, and so on, do not arise. If the object and means are mere knowledge (vijnana-matrata), then there is no object, no means, and no illustration (due to the fault of the proposition and the reason).
The statement about the side with the object is called the "proposition" and the statement about the means is called the "reason." The "Samvedadvaitavadis" (Buddhists) argue that the blue object and the knowledge of blue are non-dual, because they are experienced together (sahopalambha-niyama). Just as a person with eye disease sees two moons, but the moon is actually one, so too the blue object and the knowledge of blue are not two, but one thing, the form of knowledge.
In this statement, the fault of the proposition that occurs is self-contradiction. This is because it contradicts the distinction between the object and the knower, which is stated by them, and the distinction between the reason and the illustration, both of which are non-dual. This statement cannot be made in the context of complete non-duality.
Therefore, the statement of the non-duality of knowledge, which is the form of the distinction between the object and the means, is a fault of the proposition, which is self-contradiction.