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## Karika 68, 69] Devagam
**68** The error in the effect leads to the error in the cause, and the error in both leads to the error in the effect. The cause is the mark of the effect, and it is not present in the absence of the effect, nor is it a quality, species, or other such thing.
**Explanation:** If the effect is considered to be an error, then the cause, the atom, will also be considered an error. This would mean that they would not exist in reality, because the cause is known or inferred from the effect. If both the cause and effect are considered to be errors, then the qualities, species, actions, etc., that reside in them would also not exist. This is similar to how there is no smell of celestial flowers because they do not exist.
**69** If the cause and effect are considered to be one and the same (as per the Sankhya philosophy), then the absence of one will lead to the absence of the other. If the cause, the Pradhana, is accepted, then the effect, the Mahat, etc., will not have a separate existence, because they are one and the same. Similarly, if the effect is absent, then the cause will also be absent, because the cause is inseparable from the effect. The cause depends on the effect, and without the effect, it cannot exist. This leads to the absence of everything. Moreover, if it is said that the effect, the Mahat, etc., enters into the cause, the Pradhana, then there will be no need for a subsequent creation, and the existence of the effect will be separate.