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## Appendix: Specific Terms Used in the Mahapratyakhyana Prakirnak
**Aradhana:** Aradhana is the practice of observing and upholding a virtuous path without committing any transgressions (doshas). There are three types of Aradhana: (1) Jnana Aradhana, (2) Darshan Aradhana, and (3) Charitra Aradhana.
According to Digambara literature, Aradhana is the proper cultivation, culmination, firm adherence, reawakening (when they weaken), and lifelong practice of Samyagdarshan, Samyagjnana, Samyagcharitra, and Samyagtap. Thus, in the Digambara tradition, Tap is also included in the category of Aradhana along with Jnana, Darshan, and Charitra.
**Aalocna (Criticism):** Due to the constantly arising and waning Kashayas, the Sadhaka's faith and character are affected by both known and unknown flaws. It is essential to eliminate these flaws for the purification of life. Aalocna is the best way to achieve this. Aalocna is the act of openly revealing all one's faults, both small and large, to an Acharya, Guru, or senior person.
**Aahar (Food):** The Agamas mention four types of food for humans: (1) Asan, (2) Pan, (3) Khady, and (4) Swady.