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## Great Liberation (Mahapacchakkhanapainnāya)
**(Explanation of the nature of true fortitude)**
If those noble souls are surrounded by a multitude of friends, they remain steadfast. They are content with their own company, like a mountain range or a cave. || 80 ||
If those noble souls are in difficult and dangerous places, like mountain passes or cliffs, they remain steadfast. They are content with their own company, like a mountain range or a cave. || 81 ||
But what about those who are alone, without the support of others, and without the strength of companionship? Can they remain steadfast in the face of the afterlife? || 82 ||
The teachings of the Jinas are sweet and pleasant to hear. They are the true source of strength, and they can help us remain steadfast in the face of the afterlife. || 83 ||
The noble qualities of a courageous person, the company of good people, and the practice of the highest virtues are all sources of strength. They are content with their own company, like a mountain range or a cave. || 84 ||
**(Explanation of the benefits and drawbacks of unskillful and skillful actions)**
Those who engage in unskillful actions in their previous lives will experience suffering and misfortune in their next life. They will not be able to enjoy the pleasures of the senses. || 85 ||
Those who engage in unskillful actions at the time of death will not be able to overcome the suffering of the afterlife. They will not be able to enjoy the pleasures of the senses. || 86 ||
Those who engage in skillful actions at the time of death will be able to overcome the suffering of the afterlife. They will be able to enjoy the pleasures of the senses. || 87 ||
Those who engage in skillful actions throughout their lives will be able to overcome the suffering of the afterlife. They will be able to enjoy the pleasures of the senses. || 88 ||
Those who have accumulated good karma will be able to escape the suffering of the afterlife. They will be able to enjoy the pleasures of the senses. || 89 ||