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## Mahapratyakhyana Prakirnak (Mangal and Abhisheya)
(1) Thus, I bow down to all the Tirthankaras, Jin-Devas, Siddhas and Samyami who have attained Siddhagati. (2) Salutations to all the Siddhas and Arhats who are completely free from all sorrows. I have faith in the true nature of Jinaprasapta and I renounce all sinful actions.
(Various Renunciations) (3) I condemn all my evil conduct with all my being and accept Samayik in its threefold form, free from all exceptions. (4) The practitioner who accepts Samadhi-maran should renounce all external and internal attachments, food, body, etc., in thought, word and deed. (5) The practitioner should renounce all attachments in the form of love and hatred, joy and sorrow, curiosity, fear and grief, and attraction and aversion.
(Atonement for All Beings) (6) The practitioner should say: "I seek forgiveness in threefold form for whatever I have said out of anger, regret, ingratitude, and deceit." (7) I forgive all beings, may all beings forgive me. Renouncing all Asravas, I resolve to attain Samadhi (i.e., I unite myself with Samadhi).