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**The Great Confession**
(Also known as the Mangala)
I offer my salutations to the Tirthankaras, the Supreme Conquerors, the Jinas, the Siddhas, and the Sanjayas. ||1||
To the Siddhas, free from all suffering, the Arhats, I bow. I confess my sins, the fire of karma. ||2||
(Various Confessions) Whatever I have done wrong, in thought, word, or deed, I condemn it completely. I make the threefold confession, free from attachment. ||3||
Externally, internally, and in between, from body to all possessions, with mind, speech, and body, I confess all three. ||4||
I confess attachment, bondage, anger, hatred, pride, greed, fear, sorrow, and the cycle of birth and death. ||5||
(Confession to All Living Beings) With anger, prejudice, and unkindness, and with stubbornness, whatever I have spoken, I confess it threefold. ||6||
I confess to all living beings, may all living beings forgive me. With the intention of abandoning all karmic impurities, I make this confession. ||7||