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(Nivana-garaha-aloyanaao) I condemn what is condemnable, I reproach what is reproachable. I censure all that is objectionable, according to the Jinas. || 8 ||
(Mamattacheyanama Ayadhamma Saruvam Cha)
I renounce the body, food, and the fourfold possessions. I recognize only non-attachment in all things. || 9 ||
I have renounced attachment, I am established in non-attachment. My support is the path, my refuge is the liberation. || 10 ||
The path is in my knowledge, the path is in my vision, conduct, and renunciation. The path is in my restraint and meditation. || 11 ||
(Mulu Uttara Guna Arahanapuvvam Nindanaiparuvana)
I condemn all the root and auxiliary virtues that I have not attained due to my negligence, for I am approaching the path. || 12 ||
(Egatta Bhavana)
I am alone, I belong to no one, nor do I belong to anyone. Thus, with an unyielding mind, I instruct myself. || 13 ||
One being is born, one being dies. One being experiences death, one being becomes dry. || 1 ||
1. This is established.