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## Mahapacchakkhagapadannaya
Due to the **samyoga** (association) root, the **jiva** (soul) experiences the chain of suffering. Therefore, all **samyoga** relationships should be abandoned in all three ways.
(Mahapratyakhyana, Gatha 17)
I condemn and despise the **asamsama** (uncontrolled) mind, the **micchattā** (wrong belief), and the **mamatā** (attachment) in all beings and non-beings.
(Mahapratyakhyana, Gatha 18)
I praise those who know the **Jina** (Victorious One) in all places, in all ways.
(Mahapratyakhyana, Gatha 20)
The **maya** (illusion) that has arisen and that has not arisen is the path to be destroyed. It is not possible to destroy it through praise, condemnation, or contempt.
(Mahapratyakhyana, Gatha 21)
Just as a child, playing, speaks both truth and falsehood, so too, the **maya**-bound, deluded one praises.
(Mahapratyakhyana, Gatha 22)