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[4] I condemn what is condemnable, and I reproach what is reproachable. I renounce everything that is harmful, as taught by the Jinas.
I forgive all living beings, may all living beings forgive me. I have renounced all attachments, and I am established in the right understanding. (Mahapratyakhyana, Gatha 7)
(Mahapratyakhyana, Gatha 8)
I recognize my own egotism and I have renounced it. I have renounced all attachments and I am established in the right understanding.
(Mahapratyakhyana, Gatha 10)
My knowledge is my refuge, my conduct is my refuge, my renunciation is my refuge, my restraint is my refuge, my yoga is my refuge. (Mahapratyakhyana, Gatha 11)