बहुशः समस्तविरतिप्रदर्शितां यो न जातु गृह्णाति । तस्यैकदेशविरतिः कथनीयाऽनेन बीजेन ॥ १७॥
17. He who, in spite of repeated dissertations, is unable to accept the path of absolute renunciation, should in that event, be lectured upon partial renunciation.
Commentary. He, who is not prepared to adopt the order of saints should be persuaded to enter the life of a virtuous house-holder, who practises partial renunciation, and gradually prepares himself for the higher orders. यो यतिधर्ममकथयन्नुपदिशति गृहस्थधर्ममल्पमतिः।। तस्य भगवत्प्रवचने प्रदर्शितं निग्रहस्थानम् ॥१८॥
18. The unwise (preceptor) who without discoursing upon the "order of saints” only lectures upon "order of the householder' is, according to the sayings of the worshipful, deserving of censure. अक्रमकथनेन यतः प्रोत्सहमानोऽतिदूरमपि शिष्यः। अपदेऽपि संप्रतृप्तः प्रतारितो भवति तेन दुर्मतिना ॥१६॥
___19. Because, on account of the ill-regulated discourses of the unwise (preceptor), even the disciple, who had pitched up his resolution high, is made to content himself only with a low position and is thus misled. एवं सम्यग्दर्शनबोधचरित्रत्रयात्मको नित्यम् । तस्यापि मोक्षमागों भवति निषेव्यो यथाशक्ति ॥२०॥
20. And, for him also the three-fold path of liberation, consisting of right belief, right knowledge, and right conduct, is to be constantly followed according to his capacity.
Commentary. Jaina saints lead an ascetic life of complete renunciation and severe austerities. A layman though unable to follow the rigorous
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