code of the saint, must follow the rules of conduct so far as his capa. city allows him to do so But he should not shrink from the three. fold path, and should not under-estimate his capacity. He may adopt a milder discipline to prepare himself for the higher one, The rules of religious conduct may thus be divided into those for saints and those for laymen.
Right Belief. तत्रादौ सम्यक्त्वं समुपाश्रयणीयमखिलयत्नेन । तस्मिन् सत्येव यतो भवति ज्ञानं चरित्रं च ॥ २१ ॥
21. Again, one must, by all possible means, first attain right belief; because only on the acquisition thereof knowledge and conduct become (right).
Commentary. Right belief means true and firm conviction in the principles. arrived at after full consideration, in accordance with the laws of reasoning, from all possible and reasonable points of view. The knowledge which a person possesses cannot be denominated right knowledge, unless it is preceded and accompanied by absolute conviction and firm belief. And the conduct becomes Right Conduct when preceded and accompanied by Right Belief and Right KnowIedge. जीवाजीवादीनां तत्त्वानां सदैव कर्तव्यम् । श्रद्धानं विपरीताऽभिनिवेशविविक्तमात्मरूपं तत् ॥ २२॥
22. One should always have firm belief in Jiva, Ajiva, and the other principles, as they are, free from perverse notions. It is the nature of the Self.
Commentary. From the practical point of view a right belief is a firm belief in the seven principles. From the real point of view it is an inherent attribute of Jiva itself. : The seven principles of Jainism solve all problems which agitate man's mind, such as, what substances the universe is composed
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