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The discussion of the soul is only included from the second to the fourth chapter. The second chapter describes not only the general nature of the soul but also the various distinctions related to worldly life and many associated matters. The third chapter discusses beings residing in the lower realm, as well as humans and animals dwelling in the middle realm, along with various related matters covering the whole geography of the underworld and the human realm. The fourth chapter describes the divine vision, detailing various types of divine abodes and their prosperity. The fifth chapter describes the properties of each substance, stating their general form and providing an extensive discussion of the substance itself through the lens of rightful and wrongful conventions.
The Yami Mansa consists of 16 main topics, which are as follows:
Chapter 2: 1. The nature of the soul, 2. Types of worldly beings, 3. Distinctions of senses, their names, their subjects, and the division of senses in the context of the souls, 5. Types of birth and their corresponding places, along with their categorization by species, 6. Types of bodies, their differences, their proprietors, and the compatibility of various forms, 7. Gender division of species and the identification of those who join together without interruption in life.
Chapters 3 and 4: 8. The characteristics of the lower regions and the hells that reside there, along with their conditions and lifespan, etc. 9. Islands, seas, mountains, fields, and the like in the context of the middle realm.