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It mentions the knowledge of direct and indirect perception. In it, the section on proof corresponds to the two proofs found in the Vaisheshika and Buddhist philosophies, the three proofs found in the Sankhya and Yoga philosophies, the four proofs found in Nyaya philosophy, and the six proofs found in Mimamsa philosophy. The discernment in the knowledge of knowledge and ignorance in this epistemology corresponds to the reality and non-reality discernment in Nyaya philosophy, as well as the discernment of proof and counterproof in Gadarshana. The clear exposition of naya is nowhere else found in the texts. In summary, it can be said that the epistemology presented in detail by the author Umaswati showcases what Jain philosophy understands in place of the Mimamsa of Vedic and Buddhist philosophies.
**Key Concept of Mimamsa:** The Mimamsa describes the two fundamental substances of the world, Jiva (living entities) and Ajiva (non-living substances); from this:
1. "Tattvartha" 1, 12-12, 2. "Prashastapada Kandali" p. 213, 50 12, and 'Chaya Bindu 1, 2.
Darshana, 1, 7.
3. Isvara Krishna's "Sankhya Karika" 4; and 4. Nyaya Sutra, 1, 2, 3. 5. Mimamsa Sutra 1, 5 in "Shabara Bhashya." 6. "Tavarth" 1, 33. 7. "Tak Sangrah - Buddhi Nirupan" 8. Yoga Sutra 1, 6. 9, "Tattvartha" 1, 34-35.