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The above text has been written in a scripture, some of which are available from revered authors. In the commentary of Digambara, it is suggested that only Srivibhuti was present earlier. Their Digambara work, known as "Sarvasiddhi," has become the basis for all subsequent Digambara scholars.
Bhatt Akalank is a scholar of the eighth-ninth century Vikrama. After "Sarvasiddhi," we find his commentary on "Tattvartha," which is known as "Rajavartik." He is one of the notable scholars in Jain epistemology.
Bhatt Akalank
Some of his works are available, which are significant for every student of Jain epistemology.
Another name of Vidyanand is 'Patrakesari.' However, it has recently been suggested by Jugalkishoreji that Patrakesari and Vidyanand were different individuals. For clarification, Vidyanand's first article in his monthly journal "Anekanta" should be referred to.
1. G.A., "Jain Sahitya Sanshodhak," first book, p. 83,
2. Shivakartik's Tattva Vyakhya or its commentary, etc., are currently not available. He did write something on Tattvartha. This suggestion comes from inscriptions in some ancient stone records that mention Shivakartika's disciple Hava. G.A., "Swami Samatabhadra," p. 96.
3. G.A., "Nyayakumudachandra" introduction.