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There must be some significance to this, because if it were not so, they would not be composing two texts according to the Tambariy tradition. Nonetheless, they must ensure that their reasons stem from the Digambara scriptures, as this is necessary; since it is based on these scriptures that all the Digambara scholars, for the last thousand years, have interpreted in a manner contrary to the Svetambara Agamas. From the same scriptures, it is possible and consistent to derive meanings that align with the Svetambara tradition and to present an image of the Digambara perspective while simultaneously informing Svetambara scholars that whether they take the Digambara or Tambariya texts, despite textual differences, the interpretations arise uniformly and correspond to the Svetambara tradition. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to oppose the Digambara texts or to dismiss them as merely the scriptural basis of an opposing faction. You may study any interpretative text you prefer, but remember the meaning from the Sarvārthasiddhi text. The essence is the same in both. In this way, on one side, it intends to elucidate what the correct meanings are derived directly from their texts to the Digambara scholars, and on the other side, to explain to the Svetambara scholars, due to their bias, not to be stirred by the Digambara texts; this must be the purpose behind Yashovijaya leaving the Tambariya texts and focusing on the Digambara texts. The original name of Pujyapada is Devanandi; he was born in the fifth or sixth century Vikrama. He has studied various subjects including grammar and others. See "Sarvārthasiddhi" 2, 3, 9, 11; and also 10, 9.