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It is believed that the author of the numerous texts is Haribhadra, known for his work in the Yakini tradition. However, there is currently no definitive evidence available to us on this matter.
Muni Shri Ambuvijayji has compared the Haribhadrian commentary and the Siddhaseni commentary and has shown that Haribhadra has relied on the Siddhaseni commentary. It must be stated that Haribhadra's commentary was composed after the Siddhaseni commentary.
The commentary related to Devagupta is composed in connection with the commentary of the Bhāṣya. Since there have been several teachers named Devagupta, it is not discernible which Devagupta this is due to the lack of the name of his guru.
The mentioned Haribhadra wrote the commentary on the Siddhāpadā chapters. After that, the commentary on the entire portion of the Tattvārthabhāṣya seems to be composed by two individuals, who appear to be Chekasa and Yama, among whom one is known as Yashobhadra and the Acharya of Madra. The other is his disciple, whose name is not noted. The unknown disciple of Yashobhadra has written a commentary on just the final verse of the tenth chapter. Prior to that, Haribhadra has left all the remaining portions of the commentary.
1. See the introduction on page 2 of "Dharmasaṅgraha" written by Muni Kalyāṇavijayji.
2. Ātmānanda Prakāś, Year 45, Issue 10, Page 193.