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I thank Panditji at this place for allowing us to enrich this edition with joy. It is needless to mention that the printing errors from the first edition have been corrected this time. However, the reason for this edition's significance is different. In the Hindi translation of Tattvarth Sutra, Panditji has made two main and essential additions. One is that he has provided separate explanations for the sutras of the “Tattvarth Sutra”; and the second is that he has appended a comprehensive list of terminologies at the end of the book. Because of this list, the book has become akin to a reference for Jain philosophy and ethics. Both these additions have been included in this second edition. Therefore, it is believed that those who possess the first edition will also find it beneficial to refer to this second edition.
With the second edition of this book being completed in less time than expected, it is now time to publish this third edition. The utility and popularity of this successful work by Pandit Sukhlalji in the scholarly community of Jain scriptures is evident. During this edition, as an opportunity arose, there were a few places where it seemed necessary to provide special explanations from a general scholar's perspective, which have been presented before Panditji.