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From this, the causes of liberation are discussed. In the four types of meditation, 'Arta' and 'Raudra' are considered the causes of worldly existence and are to be renounced; while 'Dhyan' and 'Shul' are the causes of liberation and are regarded as worthy of acceptance. [29-30] Now, the explanation of the narrative follows:
When the mind is engaged with worldly knowledge, it leads to distraction.
[The state of being distracted] is contrary to the engagement of the mind.
Those who are detached, in a state of non-attachment, focused, and diligent — when unpleasant things occur, the continuity of thought to disengage from them is the first type of meditation. The constant thought to eliminate suffering is the second type of meditation.
When there is separation from a beloved object, the continuous thought to acquire it is the third type of meditation, and wishing for the acquisition of something not obtained or dwelling on its lack is the fourth type of meditation.
These meditations, being uninterrupted, focused, and diligent in that particular state, are established in the quality of those qualities.
Here, the distinctions of the stories and their meanings are explained accordingly. Thus, pain or suffering is excluded from it.