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Chapter 8 - Verse 6-14
331 Gati, jati, sharira, anga, nirman, bandhan, sanghat, sansthan, sahanan, sparsha, rasa, gandha, varna, anupurvi, agurulaghu, upghat, paraghat, atapa, udyota, uchchhavas, vihagati, and pratipaksha including the meaning of general and each, sthavara and trasa, durbhaga and subhava, dusvara and susvara, ashubha and shubha, badara and sukshma, aparyapt and paryapt, asthira and sthira, anadeya, and adaya, ayasha and yasha as well as Tirthankara-related names constitute twenty-eight types of naamkarma.
Uccha and nī are two types of netra. There are five antaraya related to donation, etc.
Gyanavaranakmani five and darshanavaranani nine prakriti: 1. mati, mrut adi five gyaan and chakshur-darshan adi four darshan have been described; the karmas that cover each are respectively matijñanavaran, shrutajñanavaran, avadhijñanavaran, manahparyaya-jñanavaran and kevalajñanavaran, which are five jñanavaran; and chakshur-darshanavaran, achakshur-darshanavaran, avadhidarshanavaran and kevaladarshanavaran are four darshanavaran. In addition to the four mentioned, there are five other darshanavaran, which are as follows: 1. The darshanavaran that allows for a pleasant awakening from sleep due to the rise of certain karma is “nidravedenya darshanavaran.” 2. The one whose rise makes awakening from sleep more difficult is “nidranidravedenya.” 1. See A.1. Su. 9 to 33 and A.2, Su. 9.