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Chapter - Sutra 4-7 289 means the wisdom of fatherhood, and therefore the inclination or desire not to cause suffering to others in one's own way.
2. A person often feels a sense of insecurity when seeing someone elevated by their father; as long as that inclination exists, non-violence, truth, etc., cannot endure; thus, it is said that one should cultivate the feeling of joy in the qualities of others that are superior to oneself. Joy means showing respect towards someone who is more virtuous than oneself and being happy to see their elevation. This feeling only pertains to those who are superior; because insecurity, jealousy, and other misfortunes are possible only with regard to them.
3. If one does not feel compassion when seeing someone in pain, they cannot adhere to vows of non-violence etc.; therefore, the feeling of compassion is considered essential. This pertains only to creatures suffering from affliction; because the hope for benevolence and help is only present with those who are suffering, downtrodden, or orphaned.
4. At all times and in all places, only active emotions do not suffice for the practitioner; often, merely maintaining neutrality is useful in preserving vows of non-violence etc., hence the teaching of neutrality has been explained. Neutrality means disregard or detachment. When individuals with completely rigid dispositions and no capacity to accept anything are encountered, and the outcome of their reforming activity appears utterly futile, it is better to remain neutral towards them. Therefore, the subject of neutrality is indeed inappropriate individuals, meaning unqualified recipients.