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A discourse on the nature of the soul, the doctrine of solitary assembly, and the auspiciousness of vows. 14. From the rise of passions comes the transformation of the self into delusion regarding conduct. 15. The numerous activities and acquisition are the result of a person's lifespan in hell. 16. Illusion is born from the knowledge of delusion. 17.
The limited activity and the acquisition of it, along with the inherent qualities of gentleness and uprightness in humans. 18.
The absence of morality in all beings. 19. The restraint that is accompanied by passion, the restraint that is free from passion, the restraint of desirelessness, the detachment from worldly matters, and the discipline of the divine. 20.
The absence of communication, the name of impurity. 21. The contrary of purity. 22.
Pure perception, endowed with humility, the presence of virtue in those adorned with conduct, the absence of excessive conduct, knowledge, usefulness, enthusiasm, and strength that leads to the accomplishment of the vows of the community's ascetics, the teachings of the well-versed, devotion to the revered ones, and integrated conduct of the Tirthankara. 26.
The defamation of the self, the praising of qualities that are both real and unreal, and their foundation upon the inner realities. 24.
The opposite of those with low conduct, and the non-discrimination of the higher. 25. The creation of obstacles and hindrances. 26.
The aforementioned, negligence, hatred, obstacles, unbearable situations, and affliction, are indeed the veils of knowledge and teaching, which hinder.