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The Tarvatha Sutra states that all actions are driven by kasaya (passion), and this is understood from the perspective of abundance. However, the compounds of avrat (restraint), sensory activities, and the actions mentioned depend primarily on attachment and aversion. Thus, attachment and aversion (kasaya) are the true binding causes of sāmparāyika karmas; nevertheless, the sutra mentions that avrat and similar factors act as binding causes separate from kasaya. This is mainly evident in which activities stem from kasaya and aims to explain which activities should be restrained by one aspiring for self-control, and what attention should be focused on.
Now, despite having the same binding causes, the sutra explains the distinction in karmic bondage due to differences in results:
"Teevramandajñatāśatabhavavīdhikaranaviśeṣebhyaḥ tadviśeṣaḥ."
The distinctions in karmic bondage arise from the intensity, mildness, knowledge, ignorance, energy, and the specific conditions.
Although asrava (the influx of karmas) such as the taking of life, sensory transactions, and proper conduct are the same in terms of binding causes, this sutra illustrates the various factors that give rise to distinctions in resultant karmic bondage.
Despite identical external binding causes, differences in intensity and mildness of the results lead to diverse karmic bonds. For instance, between two individuals observing the same objects, the one with a mild attachment experiences a different bond than the one with a strong attachment.