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The Digambara commentators did not include the three sutras from 43 to 45 in the sutra text and have elaborated on the sutra "tamavaḥ varāḥ" by fully and clearly stating the distinctions of the results and their basis. From this, it can be understood that they must have seen some deficiency or ambiguity in the meaning of these sutras and their language while discussing the basis of results. Therefore, they thought it appropriate to state their explanation independently rather than complete the incomplete sutras. Whatever the case, a question arises here as to why such an observant and concise sutrakara did not notice this, whereas the commentaries, such as Sarvarthasiddhi, recognized the complete basis of results. Is it not appropriate to assume a mistake on the part of Bhagavan Umasvati regarding this matter? It may be more suitable to acknowledge his ignorance of the intent of his statement. It is also possible that the meanings of the words "anādi" and "ādimān," which are currently popular and adopted by the commentators, may not have been favorable to the sutrakara. Among the various meanings of a word, sometimes one particular meaning becomes prominent while another meaning fades into obscurity, to the extent that when hearing the latter, it does not even come to mind that the word could carry that meaning as well. It seems that some other meanings of "anādi" and "ādimān" may have been well-known during the time of the sutrakara.