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"The quality that depends on substance" is all there is. In the quality definition of Kānāda, there appear to be additional specifics. He states that, "Qualities that are dependent on substance and are not caused by conjunction or division are qualities." This means "qualities that are dependent on substance, are devoid of qualities, and do not depend causally despite conjunction and division." According to Uma Swati's definition of qualities, in addition to the qualities mentioned in the Uttarādhyayana, Kānāda's definition includes a quality that is devoid of attributes. He states that what depends on substance is a quality. The definition of time in Uttarādhyayana, specifically in verse 28, states, "the essence of time is its continuous change." In Kānāda's definition of time, the term "change" does not appear, but the terms "higher" and "lower" do. For example, "The result of change is radius. In this context, both 'higher' and 'lower' refer to time." The three sutras from Tattvartha that define substance, quality, and time, apart from the Uttarādhyayana, do not seem to have any older Svetambar Jain scriptures providing a verbal basis from Uttarādhyayana; however, there is a complete acknowledgment somewhere and very little in some instances of the Sanskrit sutras of Tattvartha with the Prakrit verses attributed to Kunda Kunda, which were produced in the first and second centuries of Vikrama.