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Chapter 4 - Sutra 3
The third Nikaya is of the Pritaleshya.
It is stated that in the earlier mentioned four Nikayas, there are deities of the third Nikaya, which is solely of the Pritaleshya. Here, Leshya is referred to as a non-substantial characterization, meaning it is about physical attributes, and not about the significative form of feelings; because feelings are indeed present in the deities of all four Nikayas. [2]
Now, the differences among the four Nikayas are discussed:
There are ten, eight, five, and four classifications from the Dashā, Panchadvāda, up to those who are born in the Kalpopapanna realm. The ten belong to the Bhavanapati Nikaya, the eight to the Vyantar Nikaya, the five to the Jātiṣṭha Nikaya, and the twelve to the Vaimānika Nikaya. The descriptions of all these will be provided later. The four classifications of the Vaimānika Nikaya indicated through the four divisions of Kalpopapanna should be understood there; because beyond the Kalpātīta deities, the Vaimānika Nikaya also does not include those in the aforementioned twelve divisions. The twelve divine beings from Souhdharma to Achyuta are called Kalpa. [3] Similar to the four preceding Leshyas, and in Jātiṣṭha Nikaya, only the Tejoleshya is accepted. Due to this difference in opinion, the second and the subsequent seventh among the Shvetambara texts is distinct; while in the Digambara texts, there is only one sutra in place of these two sutras. For instance,
"Aaditastreshu Pītāntaleshyā:
1. To understand the particular form of Leshya, refer to the appendix on Leshya in "Kam Granth," page 33.