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The Tattvarthasutra asks if there is another hellish realm. The order of this realm and the third realm follows the same sequence; in this way, all the realms up to the seventh realm have the same sequence of elements from the lower to the upper. In expectations above, the thickness of the earthly realm from top to the lower part is as follows. The thickness of the first realm is one lakh and thirty thousand yojanas, the second is one lakh and thirty-three thousand, the third is one lakh and twenty-eight thousand, the fourth is one lakh and twenty thousand, the fifth is one lakh and eighty thousand, the sixth is one lakh and a thousand, and the thickness of the seventh realm is one lakh and eight thousand yojanas. Below the seventh realm, there are seven layers of wealth, all of which have the same thickness of twenty thousand yojanas each; and the layers of wealth and the layers of body have a conventional thickness. Bind the middle part with a stronger connection; this will cause the air contained in the container to divide, resembling the shape of the container. Now open the mouth of the container, extract the upper part of the air, fill that space with water, and then close the mouth of the container, subsequently discarding the middle part. It will be evident that the water filled in the upper part of the container will remain above and will not go down, because the water above is supported by the air in the lower part of the container, i.e., just as the water remains above due to the basis of air in the container. Similarly, the earth and others are also established based on air. Shataka 1, Uddeshaka 6.