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Chapter 2 - On Sutra
137. The enjoyment derived from suffering does not have any defects when taken simultaneously; because only that karma which can be enjoyed for a long time can be experienced all at once. There is no escape from it without experiencing any portion of its result, hence the accumulated karma does not get destroyed, nor does the bound karma become ineffective. Similarly, the forthcoming death according to karma comes, thus there are no defects arising from the unearned karma. Just as a spark placed at one end of a bundled heap of grass gradually burns each blade and can eventually consume the entire heap with delay, the same spark placed in a loose and scattered pile of grass burns it all at once.
To elaborate on this point, the scriptures provide two additional examples: 1. Arithmetic operations and 2. Drying cloth. If you consider a specific number and divide it to find the least possible fraction, there are various methods in the arithmetic process for that. A skilled mathematician can employ a method that yields an answer very quickly, while an ordinary person could arrive at the same answer gradually through division and other time-consuming processes. Although the results are the same, the skilled mathematician can derive it swiftly, whereas the ordinary mathematician does so slowly. Similarly, one can twist one cloth from two damp clothes together and separate the other.