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The Tannath Sutra states that those with eternal life are the hellish beings (Narak and Keval), those with perfected bodies, the supreme being, and countless other long-lived entities.
In war and similar upheavals, when thousands of strong young men are seen falling and even the frail and aged bodies are seen escaping from terrible disasters, one may wonder if there is also an untimely death that causes many individuals to die together—each and every one of them—yet not all perish? The answer comes in both yes and no here.
The term 'Ayush' can be categorized into two types: 'Apavartaniya' and 'Anapavartaniya.' The life that can be accomplished before the conditions of the cycle of life (Ayush bandhan) are fulfilled is called 'Apavartaniya'; and that which does not conclude before the fulfillment of those conditions is called 'Anapavartaniya.'
The essence is that if the duration of pleasurable experiences is less than the limits of the life cycle, it is considered 'Apavartaniya'; and if it is exactly equal to those limits, it is termed 'Anapavartaniya' life.
Both Apavartaniya and Anapavartaniya life are not inherently bound; rather, they depend on the variability of the results. The lifespan in future births is created in the present birth. During that time, if the resulting action is weak, the connection to the life cycle becomes slack, thereby reducing the limits of binding time. Conversely, the implications of future and therefore resulting conditions are different.