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Chapter 1 - Sutra 31 There are four types of knowledge: intellect (mati), scripture (śruta), clairvoyance (avadhi), and mind-reading (manahparyaya). Since all four types of knowledge exist in an imperfect state, they can coexist. Kevalajñana does not coexist with any other type of knowledge because it manifests in a perfect state, while all others are in an imperfect state. Because perfection and imperfection oppose each other, both states cannot exist simultaneously in the soul.
When it is said that two, three, or four types of knowledge can coexist, it refers to the potential of power, not the activity.
Q - What does "Pr-" mean?
A - Just as the two types of knowledge of intellect and scripture, or the three types including clairvoyance, exist in some souls at the time when they are engaged in knowing some subject through intellect, at that time those souls, despite having the power of scripture or clairvoyance, cannot utilize them to know their subjects. Similarly, at the time of the activity of scripture knowledge, they cannot utilize intellect or clairvoyant power either. This is the fact that should be understood regarding the power of mind-reading. In summary, a soul can have at most four types of knowledge powers simultaneously, but only one power functions to know at a time, while the other powers remain inactive.
Kevalajñana does not occur at the same time as intellect and the other three types of knowledge. Although this principle is general, its understanding can be approached in two ways.