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18. The Tavaathasutra states that the living beings exist, but their embodiment is referred to as a place or a body. 5. Rithati – temporal limitation. The mundane state of right perception is momentary and its supreme state is infinite. The three types of right perception arise at a particular time, thus they are termed as "momentary, that is, associated with the earlier period." However, what arises is not always permanent and vanishes in a derived or momentary manner, so it can also be termed as “eternal,” that is, associated with later periods; but the momentary right perception does not get destroyed after arising, hence it is infinite. In this regard, generally, right perception should be understood as momentary, eternal, and infinite. 6. Vidhan – type. There are three types of right perception: derived, momentary, and eternal. 7. Satt – essence. Although the essence of right perception exists in all living beings, its manifestation can only occur in superior beings, not in inferior ones. 8. Sanstha – the basis of the number of right perceptions relies upon the number of those who achieve it. To date, infinite beings have benefited from right perception and further infinite beings will achieve it. From this perspective, right perception is infinite in number. 9. Kshetra – lokaakash. The field of right perception is not the complete lokaakash, but rather it is an innumerable part of it. When contemplating upon a single being with right perception or infinite beings, it should be understood that the field of right perception is an innumerable part, as the habitat of all beings with right perception is also an innumerable part.