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Chapter 1 - Sutra 8 It is certain that there is such a difference that the realm of an omniscient being is greater in proportion than the realm of infinite beings, because the countless regions of the universe are also of innumerable types. 10. The region surrounding the abode of the sky is the same as the sensory experience. Only the spatial sky is taken into account in the realm, and in the sensory experience, the sky region surrounding the spatial area which is dependent upon it is also included. This is the difference between the realm and sensory experience. The point of contact of right perception should also be understood as an innumerable part of the universe. However, this part is somewhat lesser than its realm, because the surrounding areas of spatial sky are also included in it. 11. 10 - The expectation of a soul regarding time should be considered as either being right perception, which is finite or infinite; but from the perspective of all souls, it should be understood as beginningless and infinite, because there is no part of the past in which right perception does not exist. The same applies to the subject of the future. The implication is that the emergence of right perception has been ongoing since beginningless time, which will continue indefinitely. 12. Seventeen - The duration of separation. When considering the duration of separation regarding an individual soul and right perception, it comprises both the inferior moment and the superior moment. 1. From nine moments to two ghadi (a unit of time = 24 minutes each) – any time less than this is termed as inferior moment. Nine moments constitute the inferior moment, and a time less than two ghadi constitutes the superior moment. All other times are regarded as the intermediate moment.