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Tenth Chapter
From the destruction of delusion arises the attainment of knowledge and vision; from the destruction of these arises the state of Kevala (absolute enlightenment). ॥ 1 ॥
Due to the absence of bondage, passion, and shedding of karmas. ॥ 2 ॥
The complete destruction of all karmas is liberation. ॥ 3 ॥
Due to the absence of potentiality, etc., at other times, the knowledge of absolute right perception does not manifest. 2 || 8 ||
Then, after that, when one moves upwards, it is from the ultimate world. ॥ 5 ॥
Due to the prior application, the non-attachment, and the severance of bondage, as well as the transformation of the state (of a Tirthankara), that is the path. ॥ 6 ॥
The right perception of knowledge, through the qualitative, chronological, and physical aspects, is immense and can be achieved through individual awareness. ॥ 7 ॥
1 - The complete liberation from karmas is liberation. ॥ 2 ॥ - S. R. Shloka. 2 In the place of S. R. Shloka, it is stated 'Due to the absence of potentiality, etc.' In another context, where it is indicated through the sutra.
3 'That path' is mentioned after 56 S. R. Shloka, but is not present in the mentioned sutra thereafter, where it discusses the characteristics like that of a potter's wheel, absorbed in that, as well as the absence of a certain principle. Thus, this sutra aligns with what is elaborated in the commentary.